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Fundraising and Earned Income
The Branch is involved with fundraising to help sustain the operations of our programs funded by the North-West LHIN and those programs without government funding.

Making a donation in memory of or in tribute to a friend or family member is a meaningful way to let others know you care. You can honour someone on a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary, and show them you are about the issue of mental health.

Tribute/In Memoriam Donation Form (Submit by mail/fax)

“In Tribute/In Memoriam Donation Card” (Sample)

Donate Online

We are also a member organization of Canada Helps.

If you prefer to make a donation over the phone, please call 807-274-2347 or Toll Free 877-311-0117 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
For bequest purposes, our legal name is Canadian Mental Health Association, Fort Frances Branch and our Canada Revenue Agency charitable registration number is 106863681 RR001.

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